Beam Me Up, Scotty!

Teleportation would be really nice right now.

…so would joints that didn’t hurt like hell. Mothereffin’ brittle, misaligned ankles and knees. As if my crummy back’s decision to act out weren’t enough. So much for running to release stress.

Cuss, whine, moan, kick, scream, bitch.

That is all. Now carry on.

Hey, Hazel? Hang in there. Just a few more weeks. Exams. Vietnam. Hong Kong. Home. Dave. Montreal. Boston. Love.

4 Responses:

  1. momolo Says:

    swimming is good cardio workout and incredibly low impact!
    also, look forward to the johnny cash movie!

  2. Adrienne Says:

    Yeah, I should go for a swim tomorrow. I should actually study tomorrow.
    I do look forward to “Walk the Line.” I love the leads so very much. Especially Reese. What a babe. I love the songs you put up too. I have been laughing along to “A Boy Named Sue.” Thanks, Momolo! You’re chock full of useful tips and joy. 🙂

  3. Reese Says:

    what? u are coming to boston? do u study here? live here? oh lord… how did i not notice this before…..

  4. Adrienne Says:

    Heehee! My man is at the Tank’s school doing the graduate school thang too. So of course, I gotta go visit him! Think I may have mentioned it before but probably didn’t make it clear. Don’t worry! Will write you ’bout it soon. God, this makes me realize that I need to put up an about page STAT! 😀

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