True Friendsters

I know that a crunch period is on the brink of eating my face since I have taken to wasting precious time puttering around Friendster. Anyone who is anyone knows that I spent an inordinate amount of time feeding my Internet* addiction

A few nights ago, while Matt and I were at the hipper Internet cafe in Kota Kinabalu that played current American top 40 tunes, I saw a young Malay girl logging into Friendster. Of course, I just had to login into that slow abomination and kill my precious time. On vacation! In Malaysian Borneo! I spent a few minutes on Friendster!

People, do you what that means? It means that I have an insane amount of work to do. There are so many deadlines coming up that even while consciously leaving the reading out of “Reading Week” for fun and adventure, I cannot stop myself from pulling a classic procrastinator move like browsing Friendster. Sigh.

Not all is lost since I’ve acknowledged this problem and am prepared to nerd down in the library for the next few weeks to save myself from, um, myself!

And hey, if I didn’t login to Friendster, I wouldn’t have received that message from an old McGill buddy and world famous troublemaker with style, Lachy. Yeah.

But seriously. Thank God for the Internet. Without it, I might not have remembered why my best friends are truly the best. I mean, when you’re sensitive to the feelings of all of your close friends, you’re sometimes afraid to play favourites. I’m lucky enough to have a bunch of beautiful, close friends; but I must say, that there are ones who are truly the best.

How can you not have unending love for those who take the time to write you e-mail expressing bitterness about missing two episodes of the greatest television show for cool girls. And to tell you that some of your other good girlfriends are going to see the latest COC production of Bizet’s Carmen together even though one of them is so pregnant that she might go into labour during the show! And to share some juicy stories. And to teach you handy Czech phrases like, “Jana ma cerveny stul.” (Jana has a red table.) And and and!

Or then there are those who begin to tell you the latest kooky tales but get sidetracked by telling you how much they miss and love you even if they don’t get to write much because they are bravely pursuing their dreams in faraway places.

I love you girls.

*I know that many have made a move to de-capitalize the big-I Internet, but since I’m anal retentive and think that the capitalization was/is justified based on its reference to the whole big thing (you know, those networks using TCP/IP protocol) as opposed to a generic internet. On another level, I buy some of the other side’s arguments. Maybe I’ll start to slip and the lose my credibility for being inconsistent; but hey, sometimes change is good. For now, I’m sticking with the big-I and you better believe that that hyphen is going to keep separating e and mail!

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