23 Years Young

I want my mommy!

You know, good mums* know how to set everything right. A kiss, hug and pat from my mother always lifts the stress. My mum always says, “What’s wrong?” (in Cantonese) while making a face when I’m whining about work. Instead of chastising me for not starting earlier, she comforts me and then says a little prayer for me. She’s good at sending off those little prayers upstairs.

Are you there, Mum? It’s me, Adrienne. I need help!

Hopefully my mother’s sixth sense is strong enough to catch my call from Singapore all the way to my parents’ unknown location in Europe.

And Dave is not yet awake! Where is my support system when I am most in need? Oh yeah, in another timezone. Bah!

ETA: I seriously need to make the time to have my back kneaded by my Chinese masseuse extraordinaire, Wendy. It’s not just because my back is acting up a bit thanks to non-ergonomic essay writing, but because I need some touch therapy. Patrick is by far the best hugger I’ve met here. Aside from him, I only get hugs from Matt. It’s INSANE how people are so reluctant to touch each other here. It’s not just the Asians, all of my fellow foreign girlfriends here give the weakest of hugs only because I am bold enough to initiate! I think it is the uptight Anglo thing. Brits like to nod hello rather than kiss or hug. Boo.

Again, I want my mommy! She’s a good hugger! So is my dad. AND they’d both give me encouraging pecks on the cheek with that *muah* sound.

There I go building up some stereotypes, while smashing others down. Make the Brits look reserved and turn assumptions about Chinese family norms on their heads. Muahahaha.

When I get home, I am going to love on all of my friends and family. C’mere!

*Since I say “mommy” that is how I spell it; but I do often say “mum” and spell it that way especilly since that is how my mama regards herself having learnt proper good old-fashioned colonial English back in the day.

3 Responses:

  1. red_wings Says:

    “Mum” always reminds me of tea and little butter cookies layered with a sticky berry filling.

    However, I am constantly accused of saying “Moooooom” [m-ahhhhhhhhhh-mmmm].

    Everytime I say it, it makes me think of cold pizza and laundry.

    not chic.

  2. Adrienne Says:

    Yay! Welcome, Mr. Hotty McHottyHott Red Wings! Love that I’m getting some comment loving from you. Because you know, even I am not free from comment whoredom tendencies. Actually, I was going to comment on your blog today but I was too freaked out by the kohbunny opening scariness. 😛

    Yeah, “mum” is a bit precious if you’re not British. But what can I say, I’m a tea and crumpet-loving princess! I do probably say, “Mooooooooom” just like you when I’m super whiney. Oh wait, that’s like EVERYDAY!

  3. momolo Says:

    awww, i’d give you a squeeze anytime you want!

    i’m not a touchy feely person, but i like giving hugs and receiving them. my parents are not so hot on it and i was the same. then i went to a happy happy retreat and even though i am sort of disillusioned by them, i’ve retained the hugging thing.

    it keeps me conscious of making sure i shower and deoderize everyday too! i found this from overheardinnewyork to be hilarious:
    Girl: I see someone decided to try their new onion deodorant today.
